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Diabetes Day

World Diabetes Day is the primary global awareness campaign of the diabetes world and is held on November 14 each year.  This day is commemorated by a blue circle.  Why? The blue circle signifies the unity of the global diabetes community in response to the diabetes pandemic. 


Abigail Zarb, Nirayl Grech and Aurora Micallef prepared the following presentation to explain well the common condition of diabetes.

Why is the Sky Blue?

After days of rain, a patch of blue sky is a sight for sore eyes. But why is the sky blue?


Jody Morris and Sarah Galea will answer this curiousity!


Photos of the sky by Kristina Scerri:

That Blue Flashing light...

Emergency vehicle lighting is a visual warning lights fitted to a vehicle for use when the driver wishes to convey to other road users the urgency of their journey, to provide additional warning of a hazard when stationary, or in the case of law enforcement as a means of signalling another driver to stop for interaction with an officer. 


The police lights colours may vary by country and the law enforcement organization that owns the vehicles. While in the United States most of the lights are red and blue, on other continents police may stick to blue alone but, again, this also depends on several factors. Some other emergency vehicles also use blue or red alone.


Why are the colours blue or red used? People suffering from blue color blindness can distinguish red elements without any problem and vice-versa. The two colors are on a different spectrum when it comes to this inability and plus, they can be easily observed at night.

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