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Artificial Food Colouring Survey


Prepared by Mariah, Shania & Angelique

The above survey was answered (through facebook social sharing) by 75 families. The following are the results obtained: 

Bright Colours vs Dull Colours Survey

Mariah Mallia and Shania Duca planned the following survey to try to conclude whether bright colours or dull colours are the most preferred by their friends and families. The survey was shared by their preferred social media site: Facebook.

Results of Survey:


The following ebook shows the results of the above survey. Nearly 500 students from all partner schools answered this survey. While the majority expressed that they prefer bright colours, it was noticed that when it comes to buying things, the choice in colour was a more conservative one. Also, when buying things such as refrigirators or cars, the normal traditional colours (white or black) were the most popular. We have to comment about the fact that this survey was more biased on the female tastes - this is due to the fact that it was prepared by students who attend a girls only school!   

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