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About the Project

The world around us is a colourful one. Pigments are responsible for many of the beautiful colours we see in the plant and animal world. Life is rich in bright colours, from the green of photosynthesizing plants to the various colours found on the body of several animals and humans. Colour plays a major role in the natural world such as mating, camouflage, or signalling danger. Colours signal harvest time, breeding conditions, and the change of seasons, from the first greens of spring to the brilliant reds and browns of autumn. Humans make all sorts of colour choices every day. The colours that surround us, directly and indirectly, affect the way we think, the way we respond and behave, and the mood that we’re in. Why do we tend to choose or prefer one colour over another? Are colours perceived in the same way by all? How do colours influence living organisms? This project will try to answer several ‘colourful’ questions, by adopting a thematic approach, across various curricular subjects.










The Team

Art is the domain of Colour. Every artist expresses himself with various techniques, styles and through various movements, but one element holds for all, and that is Colour!

The form 3 and 4 Art students are working on the theme of colour, and through their work, they will hint at how versatile colour can be.

Form 3, Form 4 & Form 5 Biology students are involved in this project.  Each form will work on aspects of the syllabus related to colours and discussed during the scholastic year. Some of the Biology students are also part of the eTwinning club activities carried out during the mid-day break.

ICT Form 4 and Mathematics Form 3 students are involved in this project. They are considering the different aspects of colours in our social environment and everyday life, such as the meaning of colour in our lives, the role of colours in advertisements and fashion. Some of these students are also part of the eTwinning club activities.


























Colours M@tter is a project following a thematic approach across three different subjects. It is also part of an eTwinning project.

It is co-ordinated by:


  • Ms Nathalie Scerri (in charge of the Biology aspect)

  • Ms Joanna Armeni (in charge of the Daily Social Life aspect)

  • Ms Romina Briffa (in charge of the Art aspect)


St. Theresa Secondary School, St Theresa College




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